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Tis the Season!

Updated: Mar 1, 2020

It has begun!!!! Band launch season is here and I am readyyyyyy!

Zulu International got the ball rolling on Friday, February 7th with their theme "Namaste: Exploring the Beauty of India" and social media subsequently went wild.

For the second year in a row they chose to go the virtual launch route and it's really been working for them. It must be significantly more cost effective than having a physical band launch only to have Bajans stand up and stare until costumes go on stage and then leave as soon as the presentation is over. It's certainly preferred from my end as I get to see everything in detail without having to ask a 6 foot 7 man to move from in front of me. Also, I don't have to wear pants. It's a win/win really. On one hand I kind of wish all of the other bands would do the same but then on the other I feel like band launches are a part of the culture that I really want to be revived so I keep holding out hope that one day things will go back to when they were worthwhile.

But I digress...costumes! Here's a look at my favorite features in the collection:


I squealed when I saw it, no exaggeration. Every part of this section is gorgeous. Midline, Highwaist, Frontline, With feathers, body wear really doesn't matter. It's perfect and I will tolerate no Mysore slander. End of conversation

2. The Bodywear only options are all gorgeous

Very often designers tend to fall back on the feathers to add the drama to their costumes, and that's all well and good for those ladies that will have their backpacks all the way down to Spring Garden. Feathers definitely have their place.

But the Body wear Beauties that can't do with all the extra on the road (I lose my feathers by the time I get to Combermere because I really can't 6:30 in all that) deserve to feel beautiful too, and Zulu has made sure that you will be decked out with or without the plumage.

DIWALI Frontline

PHAGWAH High waist Midline

AMALTA Midline

3. Proper Options for the Curvy Ladies

My thick queens out there know our struggle. I will readily admit that over the last few years Crop Over bands have definitely made the effort to have at least one full coverage option for the ladies who like that extra support. Unfortunately, too often those options are usually just a spandex bathing suit with some extra gems. So I really appreciate the effort that has gone into the curvier options being gorgeous pieces on their own merit.


AMALTAS Midline Monokini

DIWALI Midline Monokini

Looking back at 2019

If I'm being totally honest the costume offerings last year left me a bit underwhelmed, not for Zulu specifically, but all of the bands. Yes there were definitely some lookers but for the most part I feel like I didn't really get the wow factor that I'm seeing from some of the smaller islands, and that's totally unacceptable considering how much more expensive our costumes tend to be.

This collection from Zulu International has given me hope though. Maybe this is a sign of things to come and the rest of the bands are all gonna show out and we'll suffer from spontaneous combustion from the sheer excitement of it all.

Fingers crossed!

Head over to Zulu's website to see the full collection, but at the rate those costumes been moving by the time you reach they may very well be sold out.

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